Meaning of the name Amun
Amun's name indicated his essential being, because its meaning was hidden or secret According to legend, his true name was was unknown, indicating his unknown essence. This invisibility is due to the absolute holiness of the god and attests to the fact that he was completely different from all other beings and transcendent to the created universe. The second part of his name is Ra, which was the common Egyptian term for the sunwhich was also the name of the sun god of Heliopolis.Amun in ancient texts
Amun was known at an early date, as some references in pyramid texts (from the Old Kingdom) attest to hison his age. Although these references are minimal, they show him as a primordial god symbolizing creative power.Amun was also known as one of the eight gods in the Hermopolis Ogdoad, where he was paired with his native consort, Amunet or Imnt, as a symbol of invisibility and mystery and since he was an element of the Hermopolitan Ogdoad this may indicate that Hermopolis is his home.
Although another possibility makes him an ancient deity from the area around Thebes, that Amun's power evolved, even though hewas initially less important than Montu, the god of war and the city's original chief deity.
The evolution of Amun's power in Thebes
As Thebes grew in power during the last decades of the First Intermediate Period, Amun grew in power and popularity even at that early date. Amun's nature tended toward syncretism, and Amun-Ra's name appears on a stela erected by the Theban ruler Intef before 2000 B.C. Amun's influence and fame accelerated when Amenemhat I seized power in Thebes and founded the Twelfth Dynasty in 1991 B.C. Amun's hidden aspect made it easy to reconcile him with the other gods. Amun was identified with Montu and soon replaced Montu as the protector of Thebes.The Ogdoad of Hermopolis Deir el Medina (The Place of Truth) | Date: June 2009 Source: Own work | Author: S F-E-Cameron Permission: Copyleft, Multi-license (GFDL, CC-BY-SA-2.5 & older versions) |
Amun-Ra as state god
As Thebes became more powerful, Amun's identification with Ra became more pronounced. The capital of Egypt was moved from Thebes to Itjtawy during the reign of Amenemhat I (r. 1991-1962 B.C.). Amun and Ra came into closer contact, and the syncretism between the two was theologically and politically very clever.Reconciling the two did not imply the dissolution or subsumption of one by the other; nor did it mean the emergence ofanother god. Amun and Ra remained as separate hypostatic deities, but their juxtaposition was an expression of the unity of divine power. Associations with other gods also emerged and Amun came to bear new names such as Amun-Ra-Atum, Amun-Ra-Muntu and Amun-Ra-Horakhti.The expulsion of the Hyksos from power in the middle of the sixteenth century BC gave a driving force to Amun as he became more powerful and influential. Because that event was a demonstration of Egyptian power and the power of the Egyptian god Amun-Ra, so temples were built for him all over Egypt, the most important of which is in Thebes - currently Luxor - and also the great temple in Karnak, which is the main shrine of Amun-Ra, and the importance of these buildings shows the expansion of the power and influence of Amun-Ra over the centuries by the rulers of Egypt who were eager to show loyalty to the god Amun-Ra, who became the god of the state.
Ramses III holding the hair of his enemies, and the god Amun. Relief from Medinet Habu Date: 7 July 2016, 01:37:51 | Source: Own work | Author: Alyssa Bivins |
Opt Festival
In Thebes, the annual Opt Festival was celebrated in his honor. During the Opt Festival, the statue of Amun was transported by boat from the Temple of Amun at Karnak to the Temple of Luxor. The festival was a celebration of Amun's marriage to Mut as “Amun-Ra-Ka-mut-Af” - his mother's bull - in recognition of his reproductive function and was also a feast of the Egyptian state, with Amun-Ra becoming the protector deity of Egypt and the monarchy.Amun-Ra as King of the Gods
During the New Kingdom, Amun-Ra earned the title of “King of the Gods” and as the ancient Egyptian empire expanded, he became a global deity. By the 25th Dynasty (Nubian), Amun-Ra was the chief god of the Nubian kingdom of Napata. The power of Amun-Ra and the power of the royal throne were not rivals. Rather, they were two sides of the same coin. The monarchy that supported Amun-Ra was the mainstay of royal power. This interdependence between state and religion was emphasized by official mythology, which made Amun-Ra the physical father of the pharaoh.Amun-Ra in official mythology
According to legend, Amun-Ra could take the form of a reigning monarch to impregnate the ruling king's eldest royal wife-a tradition first recorded in the New Kingdom, during the reign of Hatshepsut, but likely older. Moreover, according to state theology, Egypt was ruled by Amun-Ra through the pharaoh, with the god revealing his will through the priests.Amun-Ra was interested in preserving maat not only on a state scale but even on an individual level. He became a champion of the poor and the center of personal piety. The magnitude of Amun-Ra's spiritual and political power helped transform ancient Egypt into a theocratic state, and his priesthood became one of the largest and most influential. This situation was beneficial for both political and spiritual powers as long as they supported each other. But sometimes conflict arose, as happened during the Eighteenth Dynasty during the reign of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). The most obvious evidence of the political power of Amun-Ra and his temple is the emergence of the priest-kings during the Twenty-first Dynasty.
Amun-Ra as God of Creation
Amun-Ra was the Egyptian creator god par excellence. His association with air as an invisible force facilitated his development as a supreme creator. According to Egyptian myth and theology he was self-created, and thus without a mother or father. His creative role was emphasized during the Middle Kingdom and even as early as the Old Kingdom and fully developed during the New Kingdom, when he became the greatest expression of the transcendent Creator known in Egyptian theology.He was not intrinsic to creation, nor was creation an extension of himself. He remained separate from his creation, completely different from it, completely distinct from it, and completely independent of it. Amun-Ra did his creative work by virtue of his supreme power; he did not physically create the universe, as in the myth of the creation of Re-Atum in Heliopolis. During the New Kingdom, the theology of Amun-Ra in Thebes became very complex. His status as king of the gods increased to the point of approaching monotheism. In Amun-Ra's most advanced theological expressions, the other gods became symbols of his power or manifestations of his power - himself being the only one, the highest and the only supreme divine power.
This absolute sovereignty of Amun-Ra was eloquently expressed in the Sun Hymns found in the Eighteenth Dynasty tombs at Thebes. As Amun who was secretive, hidden and mysterious; and as Ra who was visible and exposed. Although Egyptian religion was flexible and open for many centuries to contradictory mythological expressions, the theology of Amun-Ra in Thebes came close to setting the standard for orthodoxy in the faith.
Daily Rituals in the Temple of Amun-Ra
Although daily rituals in the temple of Amun-Ra were necessary in order to maintain political and worldly order, elaborate public rituals only occurred at great festivals, when the focus was on revealing the deity in the worship statue. His temple was not a gathering place for public worship, it was the dwelling place of the deity and the point of contact between the divine world and this world. Daily worship was celebrated as a sacrament within the temple, although this did not mean that the rituals were completely unknown.The performance of daily rituals was essential, because through them the god was imbued with new life, purified, anointed, clothed, and presented with the image of the goddess Maat as a symbol of the cosmic order; the performance of these rituals was an affirmation that the cosmic and political order would continue. The chanting of hymns to the goddess Amun-Ra was an essential component of the ritual, because it not only expressed the divinity of the god, but its formulation was also a realization of its content. In theory, the ritual was performed by the pharaoh, but for practical reasons it was delegated to the priests.
Tibetan Trinity
Like many gods, Amun was often expressed in conjunction with a triad. The triad in Thebes was Amun, his wife, and their son Khonsu, the moon god. (Mut was originally an eagle goddess of Thebes who replaced Amun's first wife, Amunet, after Amun came to power.) Amun's sacred animal was originally the goose and, like the god Geb, was sometimes known as the “Great Bull.” The ram, as a symbol of fertility, later became the main theomorphic symbol of Amun and the symbol of the goose disappeared. Amun-Ra, Mut and Khonsu (left to right), mortuary temple of Ramses III Medinet Habu, Theban Necropolis Date: 8 June 2009 | Source: Own work | Author: Rémih |